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Ordering Information

Green Bushes Publishing is literally a one-man operation.  As a result, I like to keep things very simple.  No fancy fill-them-out-on-the-web order forms (since I don't know enough HTML to do that).  No credit cards or "secure transactions."  You can save the ASCII version of the catalog from your browser to help assemble your order, and/or print the HTML Order Form.

E-mail me a list of titles you'd like, at tenpiualto@grnbushes.com with the number of copies of each, and snail-mail me a check and the order information (easiest just to use the printed HTML Order Form), along with the address at which you'd like to receive your order.  Very simple. The e-mail is a crucial step, so that I can insure sufficient stock is available to fill your order.

Make the check out to Neil Farrell (Green Bushes is not incorporated) for the total of the titles/copies you'd like, plus shipping and handling charges according to the following table:

Up to 30 copies $4.50
31-60 copies $7.00
60-100 copies $10.00

Send your check to:
Green Bushes Publishing
c/o Neil Farrell
3619 Greystone Ave. #3
Riverdale, NY 10463-2045

When your e-mail arrives, I'll make
sure I have enough stock to fill your
order so that when the check arrives,
it can go out by Priority Mail.  

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